如题,我在做地铁车站在地震力作用下受力分析的毕业设计,采用三维实体模型,地层结构模型,采用反应位移法施加地震力荷载。 HtAO9
该模型在自重荷载下求解正常,但是施加了强制位移之后,就求解失败,查看错误报告,里面是这样的内容: CA]u3bf~
一系列的类似“There are 263 small equation solver pivot terms”的警告,只是数字越来越大,最后一个警告是 (K`@OwD
One or more elements have become highly distorted. Excessive H}PZJf_E
distortion of elements is usually a symptom indicating the need for tr@)zM
corrective action elsewhere. Try incrementing the load more slowly K6G+sBw[
(increase the number of substeps or decrease the time step size). You "fOxS\er
may need to improve your mesh to obtain elements with better aspect R>y/Y<5=
ratios. Also consider the behavior of materials, contact pairs, YF68Ax]
and/or constraint equations. If this message appears in the first }2.0e5[
iteration of first substep, be sure to perform element shape checking. %shCqS
我根据警告内容将子步数调整到1600,还是求解失败。一开始使用力控制收敛,后来用位移控制收敛,均求解失败。 #iVr @|,
单元是比较大,应为模型很大,我的单元尺寸在零点几米到一米,但单元形状绝对没问题。 5h@5.-}
请教一下各位,能否帮我看下到底是啥原因,是不是地层结构模型不适合用于反应位移法? ?AYb@&%
还有加位移的时候是将土体和结构在内的所有单元的所有节点都要加么? ]%ey rbU