gtcewli3网友上传了IASPEI 的 International Handbook of Earthquake and Engineering Seismology。这本书附带三张CD里有很多有用的东西。如果有人需要我可以陆续上传一些。今天先上传用随机振动理论合成地震动的程序,在本书附带CD里编号85.13。具体说明可参看本书。简介贴在这里: OOBcJC
SMSIM: Stochastic Method SIMulation of Ground Motion from Earthquakes +|?|8"Qg
Chapter 85.13 of the IASPEI International Handbook of Earthquake and Engineering Seismology u.kYp
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This page accompanies a package (, 124 KB) for simulating ground motions based on the stochastic method. Separate programs are included for random-vibration and time-domain simulations, but an effort has been made to make the input and output parameter files the same for both applications. The programs include a number of application-specific drivers that call modules of subroutines; these drivers can be modified easily for specific purposes. The drivers provided in this report produce peak acceleration, peak velocity, peak displacement, Arias intensity, and response spectra for a range of oscillator periods. One of the time-domain drivers allows a subset of the time series used to obtain peak motions to be written to separate files. Some of the drivers obtain a single magnitude and distance interactively from the user; others read the magnitudes and distances from a control file. pH\^1xj
Programs are also given to compute Fourier spectral amplitudes corresponding to the model specified by the input-parameter file, either directly in the frequency domain or from Fourier transformation of the simulated time series (to provide an independent check of the calculations). wVp4c?s
Also included is a package (, 44 KB) containing a set of programs for computing site response for SH waves. These include site-amplifications using the square-root of the effective seismic impedance (SITE_AMP.FOR) (sometimes known as the "quarter-wavelength approximation"), as well as amplifications based on plane-wave propagation in a stack of constant-velocity layers (NRATTLE.FOR, written by C. Mueller with modifications by R. Herrmann, and included here with their permission). The square-root impedance amplifications are a useful first-order approximation to the complete amplification, and SITE_AMP.FOR provides a convenient way to digitize a velocity model made up of a series of linear velocity gradients into a consistent set of constant velocity layers, which can then be used in NRATTLE.FOR. >WGP{
The packages contain all needed Fortran source code, with one exception: several routines (some slightly modified, as detailed in the file RECIPES.FOR) from a commercial package (Numerical Recipes) are used, and these must be acquired separately. All programs are designed to be used from a command-line window or a command-line oriented operating system. The input is from ASCII files or from the screen. The outputs of the programs are ASCII files, some of which are arranged in columnar format for easy importation into spreadsheets or graphics programs. iTLW<wG