谢谢MATLAB 指令窗中的help指令和lookfor指令
b||usv[or 作者:精通MATLAB(5.3版) 来源:转载
http://www.51base.com/machine/softedu/cam/matlab/5120060126150.shtml 发布时间:2008-4-16 9:29:54
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:@jctH~ QWa@?BO2p 2.9.2 指令窗中的 help 指令
mvH8hvD9 =&08s(A 直接使用 help 获得指令的使用说明
k%gj M`K]g&57hL 【例 2.9.2 .1-1 】假如准确知道所要求助的主题词,或指令名称,那末使用 help 是获得在线帮助的最简单有效的途径。本例演示:关于矩阵对数函数 logm 使用说明的在线求助。
>6yQuB k^|z.$+ help logm
}*rS g . LOGM Matrix logarithm.
!;8Y?c-D L = LOGM(A) is the matrix logarithm of A, the inverse of EXPM(A). Complex results are produced if A has negative eigenvalues. A warning message is printed if the computed expm(L) is not close to A.
'cc8xC }v}F8}4 [L,esterr] = logm(A) does not print any warning message, but returns an estimate of the relative residual,norm(expm(L)-A)/norm(A).
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4X&6xl If A is real symmetric or complex Hermitian, then so is LOGM(A).