for Fracture Analysis of Structures %)x9u$4W2
by +t+<?M B
Soheil Mohammadi $+!dP{
School of Civil Engineering pW(rNAJ!
University of Tehran Ve3z5d:^
Tehran, Iran |4Q*4s
Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2008 Aw |;C
Progressive failure/fracture analysis of structures has been an active research topic for |)29"_Kk5
the past two decades. Historically, it has been addressed either within the framework pn
of continuum computational plasticity and damage mechanics, or the discontinuous .h7s.p?
approach of fracture mechanics. The present form of linear elastic fracture mechanics $/++afim
(LEFM), with its roots a century old has since been successfully applied to various ~ELMLwn.
classical crack and defect problems. Nevertheless, it remains relatively limited to simple '7-Yo
geometries and loading conditions, unless coupled with a powerful numerical tool such :oP LluW*
as the finite element method and meshless approaches. hMDd*<%l
The finite element method (FEM) has undoubtedly become the most popular and U]iI8c
powerful analytical tool for studying a wide range of engineering and physical problems. h'):/}JPl
Several general purpose finite element codes are now available and concepts of ["Ltqgx
FEM are usually offered by all engineering departments in the form of postgraduate d,V#5l-6
and even undergraduate courses. Singular elements, adaptive finite element procedures, sU ZA!sv
and combined finite/discrete element methodologies have substantially contributed to N1c=cZDV
the development and accuracy of fracture analysis of structures. Despite all achievements, PgWWa*Ew
the continuum basis of FEM remained a source of relative disadvantage for ;uUFgDi
discontinuous fracture mechanics. After a few decades, a major breakthrough seems YAr6cl
to have been made by the fundamental idea of partition of unity and in the form of the elOeXYO0
eXtended Finite Element Method (XFEM). 9=%zd z2_S
This book has been prepared primarily to introduce the concepts of the newly N{;!xIv
developed extended finite element method for fracture analysis of structures. An attempt {LO Pm1K8Y
has also been made to discuss the essential features of XFEM for other related Cbw *?9d
engineering applications. The book can be divided into four parts. The first part is dedicated E-bswUVaEE
to the basic concepts and fundamental formulations of fracture mechanics. It hmO2s/~
covers discussions on classical problems of LEFM and their extension to elastoplastic )/H;5 cn
fracture mechanics (EPFM). Issues related to the standard finite element modelling n/+X3JJ
of fracture mechanics and the basics of popular singular finite elements are reviewed g* q#VmE
briefly. ,,'jyqD
The second part, which constitutes most of the book, is devoted to a detailed discussion 5p;AON
on various aspects of XFEM. It begins by discussing fundamentals of partition 94u{k1d x
of unity and basics of XFEM formulation in Chapter 3. Effects of various enrichment t'eqk#rq
functions, such as crack tip, Heaviside andweak discontinuity enrichment functions are VY0.]t
also investigated. Two commonly used level set and fast marching methods for tracking ]pax,|+$C
moving boundaries are explained before the chapter is concluded by examining a Z*%;;&?
number of classical problems of fracture mechanics. The next chapter deals with the k~Ex_2;#
orthotropic fracture mechanics as an extension of XFEM for ever growing applications m[9.'@ye
of composite materials. A different set of enrichment functions for orthotropic media v= 55{
is presented, followed by a number of simulations of benchmark orthotropic problems. {3~VLdy
Chapter 5, devoted to simulation of cohesive cracks by XFEM, provides theoretical ^\\3bW9}H
bases for cohesive crack models in fracture mechanics, classical FEM and XFEM. _R4}\3}!
The snap-back response and the concept of critical crack path are studied by solving a Mt[yY|Ec|
number of classical cohesive crack problems. ToXWFX
The third part of the book (Chapter 6) provides basic information on new frontiers F "@% 7xy
of application of XFEM. It begins with discussions on interface cracking,which include I{Zb/}k-
classical solutions from fracture mechanics and XFEM approximation. Application of e~o!Qm
XFEM for solving contact problems is explained and numerical issues are addressed. N9e'jM>Oos
The important subject of dynamic fracture is then discussed by introducing classical b\k]Jx
formulations of fracture mechanics and the recently developed idea of time–space D*XrK0#Z`
discretization by XFEM. New extensions of XFEM for very complex applications of YG "Ta|@5
multiscale and multiphase problems are explained briefly. 2"Os9 KD
The final chapter explains a number of simple instructions, step-by-step procedures f-ltV<C_
and algorithms for implementing an efficient XFEM. These simple guidelines, in b$ G{^
combination with freely available XFEM source codes, can be used to further advance t un}rdb
the existing XFEM capabilities. bjZJP\6
This book is the result of an infinite number of brilliant research works in the ~wvt:E,fC
field of computational mechanics for many years all over the world. I have tried to "[ bkdL<
appropriately acknowledge the achievements of corresponding authors within the text, zA,vp^
relevant figures, tables and formulae. I am much indebted to their outstanding research 7FB?t<x
works and any unintentional shortcoming in sufficiently acknowledging them is sincerely I= mz^c{
regretted. Perhaps such a title should have become available earlier by one of &OMlW_FHR
the pioneers of the method, i.e. Professor T. Belytschko, a shining star in the universe mxa~JAlN_
of computational mechanics, Dr J. Dolbow, Dr N. Mo¨es, Dr N. Sukumar and possibly j#NyNv(jE1
others who introduced, contributed and developed most of the techniques. p~pD`'%
I would like to extend my acknowledgement to Blackwell Publishing Limited, j{@O%fv=
for facilitating the publication of the first book on XFEM; in particular N. Warnock- P*|N)S)X%
Smith, J. Burden, L. Alexander, A. Cohen and A. Hallam for helping me throughout %go2tv:|W
the work. Also, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my long-time friend, t*{L[c9.Uq
Professor A.R. Khoei, with whom I have had many discussions on various subjects of P}bIp+
computational mechanics, including XFEM. Alsomy special thanks go tomy students: %b6$N_M{H1
Mr A. Asadpoure, to whom I owe most of Chapter 4, Mr S.H. Ebrahimi for solving \Z-th,t
isotropic examples in Chapter 3 and Mr A. Forghani for providing some of the results E
in Chapter 5. >p_W(u@ z$
This book has been completed on the eve of the new Persian year; a ‘temporal twT/uBQ4a
interface’ between winter and spring, and an indication of the beginning of a blooming <_EKCk
season for XFEM, I hope. Z%t_1t
Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to my family for their love, understanding a)_3r]sv^
and never-ending support. I have spent many hours on writing this book; hours })g<I+]Hf9
that could have been devoted to my wife and little Sogol: the spring flowers that inspire ^7gGtz2
the life. &?<uR)tl
Soheil Mohammadi @Jt$92i5PS
Tehran, Iran (jc@8@Wo.
Spring 2007