你也能长命百岁 揭秘健康长寿3诀窍 Better diet and medical care means one in six of us will live to 100, according to new research. Here are some simple steps to ensure you reach your centenary: 据一项调查称,健康均衡的饮食以及完备的医疗保健能使六分之一的人口活到百岁,下面几个简单的部奏也能助你健康长寿。 GET A DOG 养只狗儿 Dog owners enjoy a longer and healthier life than the rest of the population, according to psychologists at Queen’s University, Belfast. 据根据皇后大学心理学家贝尔法斯特的介绍,养狗的人要比不养的更长寿,更健康。 It’s thought pets buffer us from stress, known to increase the hormones linked to life-threatening diseases. 可爱的宠物有利于减轻压力对于我们身体的伤害,总所周知,压力过大将刺激人体分泌一种有可能危机生命的激素。 U.S. researchers also found that stroking a dog can cause blood pressure to drop by 10 per cent. Then there’s the benefit of exercise from dog walking — this can lower cholesterol. 美国的研究人员发现,抚摸狗狗能是人体的血压降低百分之十,而带着爱犬散步则有利于降低胆固醇的含量。 STAND UP 站起来 The less time you spend sitting, the longer your lifespan. A U.S. study found that women who sat for more than six hours a day had a 37 per cent increased risk of premature death compared to those who sat for three hours or less. 你坐着的时间越短,你的受命则会越长。一项美国的研究调查发现,每天久坐长达六小时以上的女性要比三小时一下者出现过早希望现象的几率高出37%。 Sitting slows the metabolism, which can eventually cause obesity. But getting up every half an hour can dramatically reduce the bad effects, says Professor Stuart Biddle, an exercise psychologist at Loughborough University. 英国拉夫堡大学运动心理学家司徒雷登-比德尔教授表示,久坐还是减慢人体的新陈代谢,从而最终导致肥胖,但若能每半小时就站起来活动一下,这将大大减轻长时间坐着所造成的不良影响。 STAY HAPPILY MARRIED 幸福的婚姻生活 Scientists at Warwick University found that married men were 6 per cent less likely to die in a seven-year period than single men. 华威大学的科学家发现,以7年为一个周期,已婚男性相较于单身男性所出现的死亡几率将降低6%。 The death risk for women dropped by 2.9 per cent. 而这一情况在女性方面会降低2.9%。 ‘It’s thought that being happily married enhances feelings of security that lead to someone taking a more relaxed approach to life,’ says Dearbhla McCullough, a psychologist at Roehampton University in London. 伦敦罗汉普顿大学的心理学家麦卡洛说,“幸福的生活将大大增加人们的安全感,这有利于他们生活得更加的轻松与惬意。”你也能长命百岁 揭秘健康长寿3诀窍 Better diet and medical care means one in six of us will live to 100, according to new research. Here are some simple steps to ensure you reach your centenary: 据一项调查称,健康均衡的饮食以及完备的医疗保健能使六分之一的人口活到百岁,下面几个简单的部奏也能助你健康长寿。 GET A DOG 养只狗儿 Dog owners enjoy a longer and healthier life than the rest of the population, according to psychologists at Queen’s University, Belfast. 据根据皇后大学心理学家贝尔法斯特的介绍,养狗的人要比不养的更长寿,更健康。 It’s thought pets buffer us from stress, known to increase the hormones linked to life-threatening diseases. 可爱的宠物有利于减轻压力对于我们身体的伤害,总所周知,压力过大将刺激人体分泌一种有可能危机生命的激素。 U.S. researchers also found that stroking a dog can cause blood pressure to drop by 10 per cent. Then there’s the benefit of exercise from dog walking — this can lower cholesterol. 美国的研究人员发现,抚摸狗狗能是人体的血压降低百分之十,而带着爱犬散步则有利于降低胆固醇的含量。 STAND UP 站起来 The less time you spend sitting, the longer your lifespan. A U.S. study found that women who sat for more than six hours a day had a 37 per cent increased risk of premature death compared to those who sat for three hours or less. 你坐着的时间越短,你的受命则会越长。一项美国的研究调查发现,每天久坐长达六小时以上的女性要比三小时一下者出现过早希望现象的几率高出37%。 Sitting slows the metabolism, which can eventually cause obesity. But getting up every half an hour can dramatically reduce the bad effects, says Professor Stuart Biddle, an exercise psychologist at Loughborough University. 英国拉夫堡大学运动心理学家司徒雷登-比德尔教授表示,久坐还是减慢人体的新陈代谢,从而最终导致肥胖,但若能每半小时就站起来活动一下,这将大大减轻长时间坐着所造成的不良影响。 STAY HAPPILY MARRIED 幸福的婚姻生活 Scientists at Warwick University found that married men were 6 per cent less likely to die in a seven-year period than single men. 华威大学的科学家发现,以7年为一个周期,已婚男性相较于单身男性所出现的死亡几率将降低6%。 The death risk for women dropped by 2.9 per cent. 而这一情况在女性方面会降低2.9%。 ‘It’s thought that being happily married enhances feelings of security that lead to someone taking a more relaxed approach to life,’ says Dearbhla McCullough, a psychologist at Roehampton University in London. 伦敦罗汉普顿大学的心理学家麦卡洛说,“幸福的生活将大大增加人们的安全感,这有利于他们生活得更加的轻松与惬意。”