I do not like this topic! It does not need discuss this. It is meaningless! GFt1
Think about, thousands of engineers, researchers and professors use this method and solve some many problems, which confirms that is used and develop so well after computer tech booming. 9(OAKUQ
Human being always use tools to overcome the nature. FEM or other methods are good way to use to solve our engineering project. ZB0+GG\
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The rest we should do is: mLaCkn
1) Understand the method or program really well. and Try to know what the program do for you. AqqHD=Yp
I met some people, just know a little bit about FEM and use it, they did not know how to really specify the project and input the correct parameters. $Elkhe]O %
2)Understand the issue or project really well. Before you use that, you should know which program you need use. The important thing is you should have engineering feeling. You can decide the result is reasonable or not. }hq^+fC?
Remember, the program just do something by their rule or function. You should know how to correct them. 7_%2xewV|
Today, many people abuse to use FEM or other programs without good engineering concept. So some people do not believe these methods because of the unreasonable results analyzed by immature engineers. u>}zm_
Study more and practise more, do not blame the program and try to let it serve for you!