源程序是这样的 }{:Jj/d
new 5n>zJ
; create model with vertical fault R1hmJ
rou 0.1 DPY+{5q2
block -1 0 -1 7 9 7 9 0 ,MHK|8!
cr 0 0 0 7 a:P+HU:
cr 8 0 8 7 i=^6nwD&
cr 0 1 8 1 !gyW15z'
cr 0 3 8 3 (Qw >P42J
del 0 8 1 3 }cUO+)!Y
cr 4 3 4 7 [2Y@O7;nI
gen quad 1.1 range 0 8 0 7 ]hlQU%&
prop mat 1 d 1000 k 1.5e8 g 0.5e8 coh 2.5e5 jkn 1e8 jks 1e8 jfric 5 -AL^
prop mat 2 jkn 1e8 jks 1e8 jfric 0 YO.ddy*59
change cons 3 SIM>Lz
change jmat 2 range -1 1 -1 8 ymrnu-p o
change jmat 2 range 7.5 8.5 -1 8 d?5oJ'JU
; apply boundary conditions "w 4^i!\
fix -1 0 0 7 ~Q^.7.-T
fix 8 9 0 7 \*5z0A9)5)
bound yvel 0 xvel 0 range -1 9 -.1 .1 vx$DKQK@l\
bound yvel 0 xvel 0 range -1 9 6.9 7.1 [#aJ- Uu
bound (cor 631 359) yvel 0 xvel 0 n2o)K;wW+
insitu stress 0 0 -1e5 u=PLjrB~}
; apply vertical velocity to right block +bso4 }rS
bound (cor 840 589) yvel -2e-1 xvel 0 "8)%XSb
;bound yvel -2e-1 xvel 0 range 4 8 6.9 7.1 k N* I_#
; 2I suBX\[
; add support OGH,K'l
supp 4 2 wid 3 seg 20 mat 3 Wf?[GO
prop m 3 sup_kn -1 1e9~):C~W
table 1 0 0 0.2 0 0.4 0.4e7 10.0 0.4e7 I=Y_EjZD
; /V/)A\g
step 5000 \0i0#Dt9
cor可能代表的是corner表示角点的意思 但是cor后面的数字是怎么得到的? 哪位高人可以帮帮在下。。。。