nchrp472 s?sr0HZ
Recent damaging earthquakes in the United States and abroad have demonstrated dBL{Mbh2Z
the earthquake vulnerability of highway bridges that were designed to existing seismic !E/%Hv1
codes. To address this inadequate performance, extensive research programs have been iaaD1<m
carried out. These programs have advanced the state of the art to the point where a new g;nPF*(
specification for seismic design is necessary to take advantage of new insight into }?d
ground motion and geotechnical effects, improved performance criteria, and more KDAZG+u+
advanced analytical and design methodologies. HX:^:pF}
The objective of this research was to enhance safety and economy through the J{#C<C
development of new load and resistance factor design (LRFD) specifications and commentary "OKsl2e
for the seismic design of bridges. The research considered design philosophy '6>nXp?)r
and performance criteria, seismic loads and site effects, analysis and modeling, and KMkX0+Ao
design requirements. The specifications are nationally applicable with provisions for j98>Jr\
all seismic zones and are intended to be integrated into the AASHTO LRFD Bridge 4[LzjC
Design Specifications. %lK]m`(
The research was performed by a joint venture of the Applied Technology Council aQfrDM<*XS
and the Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research. The report 1'J|yq
fully documents the methodology used to develop the recommended specifications. ~F]If \b
The recommended specifications provided the technical basis for a stand-alone set of j0K}nS\ P
provisions prepared by the ATC/MCEER Joint Venture titled “Recommended LRFD Y4/ !b
Guidelines for the Seismic Design of Highway Bridges.” AASHTO will consider these ,OO0*%
provisions for adoption as a Guide Specification in 2002.