Acknowledgements <'33!8
This work would not have been possible without the help, dedication, and N%yFL
support of Professor Ellen M. Rathje. It is a great fortune for me to work for her 5H2|:GzUc
and I will be forever grateful. :{2$X|f
During the research process, Professor K. H. Stokoe has been very R\?!r4
generous and is great help to us. He also provides many precious opinions and ktRdf6:~
useful suggestions in the instrumentation designs and data interpretations. I really MvFXVCT#
appreciate his assistances in this research. Also, I am very thankful to my 0g\&3EvD
committee members, Professor Wilson, Professor Williamson, and Professor Wd#6Y}:
Wright for their constructive opinions and valuable time. >sq9c/}X
In addition, I am very grateful many faculty members at UT-Austin. The &5<lQ1
list includes: Professor Olson, Professor Gilbert, Professor Rauch, and Professor 5N/;'ySAE_
Wright. I have learned so much from all of you, and I appreciate all you have m\=u/Zip
done to prepare me for the future. @hPbD?)M
Mostly, I would like to thank my wife Pei-Shan and daughter Alison for GS%Dn^l
their tremendous patient during my preparation of this dissertation. My wife in 0Jr<>7Q1
particular has had to carry more than her fair share of the duties taking care of our nceF4Ty
daughter. Also, to my incredible parents, I am so lucky to have you. k@'.d)y0`
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I am indebted to many former and current graduate students in %e(,PL
geotechnical engineering group at UT-Austin. They had been help me preparing -d]z_
the specimen, conducting field and laboratory tests, encouraging me in bad days, ptcU_*Gd
and sharing joys in good days. {[+gM?
I would also like to thank all the people at Capitol Aggregates for sMK/l @7
providing a test site and concrete both essential to this work.