Three-dimensional base stability of rectangular excavations in soft soils using FEM U3&*,xeU@H
Abstract #Jq@p_T"
The three-dimensional base stability of rectangular excavations in soft soils was evaluated using the finite element method with mdoy1a
reduced shear strength. Numerical results indicate that the base stability of excavations was significantly influenced by the following Fx/9T2%=
factors: (1) the depth to width ratio, (2) the thickness of the soft soil layer between the excavation base and the hard stratum, (3) the 6jO*rseC
depth of walls inserted below the excavation base, (4) the stiffness of walls, and (5) the length to width ratio of the excavation. The
three-dimensional effect can be neglected at the length to width ratio larger than six. Terzaghi’s equation for base stability can be |&o1i~Y
used to evaluate the three-dimensional base stability of rectangular excavations after modification. LyS139P$
2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. v'TkKwl
Keywords: Finite-element analysis; Three-dimensional; Soft clay; Base stability