Thank for "geofem" and "benjackxu" yU`:IMz
In 2D plain strain analysis, it is assumed that strain in z direction is zero and shear sigma zx , sigma zy are zero. cgNt_8qC
How's the shear affect? As "geofem" said that is "three-dimensional effect'. How is the "three-dimensional effect'? ?6:cNdN
For a certain work, the energy release is governed by force and displacements in three-dimensional space in reality. In Z direction, it should be have energy e(\Q)re5Q
release(0.5*stress*strain^2), since strain in z direction is zero , the energy release will be zero in this direction, in other word, all the external work will be taken by the other two directions, F_PTMl=Q|J
which cause bigger displacements. Is this one of three-dimensional effects? tyXl}$)y
Welcome more discussion!