3.7 Reduction of negative skin friction 6ieP` bct
Provide dummy casing or sleeve around =' #yG(h
pile to prevent direct contact with }<G#bh6;Q
settling soil (hIy31Pf
Predrill oversized hole through soft soil SR {KL#NC
prior to pile installation (hole filled with YRJw,xl
bentonite slurry) |(rTz!!-
Use of slender pile section in soft soil v,,Dz8!Ty
layers EY[J;H_b
Electro-osmosis wnbKUlb
Current applied between pile (cathode) and %x|0<@b7-
an anode causes migration of pore |ea}+N
pressure towards pile .V|o-~c
Reduce effective stress and hence negative el^WBC3
skin friction ^es/xt
Very good effect on silty soils 9Zpd=m8dU
Bitumen coating (see next slide) Vw b6QIs
If magnitude of negative skin friction is too large, the ?-9It|R
pile may be coated with bitumen (above neutral ;bes#|^F
plane) to reduce the negative skin friction (up to 90% f;%\4TH?
reduction reported). i@STo7=
in practice, the bitumen coating methods have been widely used.