Practical Optimization - Algorithms and Engineering Applications
K&;;{~md. ^cI 0d,3= by
vFH1hm q:3HU< Andreas Antoniou
^ jT1q_0 Wu-Sheng Lu
:M\3.7q Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
u;H5p\zAzz University of Victoria, Canada
P7y.:%DGD0 /u pDbP.O 2007 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC
89l{h8R . *c%A^> Preface
95^-ptO{1` 4qg]
oiT The rapid advancements in the efficiency of digital computers and the evolution
;0Mg\~T~' of reliable software for numerical computation during the past three
?gl[=N V decades have led to an astonishing growth in the theory, methods, and algorithms
0RkiD8U5 of numerical optimization. This body of knowledge has, in turn, motivated
)" H r3 widespread applications of optimization methods in many disciplines,
*S\/l-D e.g., engineering, business, and science, and led to problem solutions that were
{PQ!o^7y considered intractable not too long ago.
xYD.j~ Although excellent books are available that treat the subject of optimization
rhO8 v with great mathematical rigor and precision, there appears to be a need for a
Pskg68W book that provides a practical treatment of the subject aimed at a broader audience
wf/DLAC ranging from college students to scientists and industry professionals.
{U7A&e0eW This book has been written to address this need. It treats unconstrained and
r|JZU constrained optimization in a unified manner and places special attention on the
FW,@.CX algorithmic aspects of optimization to enable readers to apply the various algorithms
c@)}zcw* and methods to specific problems of interest. To facilitate this process,
5 $:
q the book provides many solved examples that illustrate the principles involved,
Z >F5rkJ and includes, in addition, two chapters that deal exclusively with applications of
9 unconstrained and constrained optimization methods to problems in the areas of
ca?;!~%zA pattern recognition, control systems, robotics, communication systems, and the
O>Ao#_*hOb design of digital filters. For each application, enough background information
6dQ]=]; is provided to promote the understanding of the optimization algorithms used
Cl'3I%$8K to obtain the desired solutions.
WG(%Pkowv Chapter 1 gives a brief introduction to optimization and the general structure
8~eYN-#W& of optimization algorithms. Chapters 2 to 9 are concerned with unconstrained
="AJ&BqHd optimization methods. The basic principles of interest are introduced in Chapter
}@NT#hD 2. These include the first-order and second-order necessary conditions for
K0z@gWGE a point to be a local minimizer, the second-order sufficient conditions, and the
2[TssJQ optimization of convex functions. Chapter 3 deals with general properties of
~4C:2 algorithms such as the concepts of descent function, global convergence, and
r^$WX@ t& XVI
4KT-U6zNx rate of convergence. Chapter 4 presents several methods for one-dimensional
m:?, optimization, which are commonly referred to as line searches. The chapter
2:Rxyg@' also deals with inexact line-search methods that have been found to increase
_5SA(0D#9 the efficiency in many optimization algorithms. Chapter 5 presents several
&Ez]pKjB basic gradient methods that include the steepest descent, Newton, and Gauss-
k5TPzm=y{ Newton methods. Chapter 6 presents a class of methods based on the concept of
)Qixde>]p conjugate directions such as the conjugate-gradient, Fletcher-Reeves, Powell,
z! /
MBM and Partan methods. An important class of unconstrained optimization methods
N[8y+2SZ known as quasi-Newton methods is presented in Chapter 7. Representative
H/BU2s a methods of this class such as the Davidon-Fletcher-Powell and Broydon-
cnL -k. Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno methods and their properties are investigated. The
ey! { chapter also includes a practical, efficient, and reliable quasi-Newton algorithm
_)F0oC { that eliminates some problems associated with the basic quasi-Newton method.
SuQ Chapter 8 presents minimax methods that are used in many applications including
.qG*$W2f the design of digital filters. Chapter 9 presents three case studies in
E-XFW]I which several of the unconstrained optimization methods described in Chapters
|Y'@& 4 to 8 are applied to point pattern matching, inverse kinematics for robotic
KvfZj manipulators, and the design of digital filters.
= *~Q5F Chapters 10 to 16 are concerned with constrained optimization methods.
E1V;eoK.D Chapter 10 introduces the fundamentals of constrained optimization. The concept
XbL\l of Lagrange multipliers, the first-order necessary conditions known as
wC4:OJ[d Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions, and the duality principle of convex programming
bsgr g are addressed in detail and are illustrated by many examples. Chapters
xf|L>= 11 and 12 are concerned with linear programming (LP) problems. The general
{fAj*,pzl properties of LP and the simplex method for standard LP problems are
(&ABfm/t addressed in Chapter 11. Several interior-point methods including the primal
a~"<lzu|$ affine-scaling, primal Newton-barrier, and primal dual-path following methods
*d;D~"E<@ are presented in Chapter 12. Chapter 13 deals with quadratic and general
1pHt3Vc(G convex programming. The so-called active-set methods and several interiorpoint
methods for convex quadratic programming are investigated. The chapter
L!V6Rfy also includes the so-called cutting plane and ellipsoid algorithms for general
ZHY convex programming problems. Chapter 14 presents two special classes of convex
({ programming known as semidefinite and second-order cone programming,
%9P)Okq which have found interesting applications in a variety of disciplines. Chapter
( R0>0f@ 15 treats general constrained optimization problems that do not belong to the
8QH class of convex programming; special emphasis is placed on several sequential
+/Q?<*[ quadratic programming methods that are enhanced through the use of efficient
>Vvjs line searches and approximations of the Hessian matrix involved. Chapter 16,
#(Ah>y which concludes the book, examines several applications of constrained optimization
DV">9{"5'] for the design of digital filters, for the control of dynamic systems, for
)OgQ&,# evaluating the force distribution in robotic systems, and in multiuser detection
T{Rhn V1 for wireless communication systems.
y&8kORz;? PREFACE xvii
xBW{Wyh The book also includes two appendices, A and B, which provide additional
+ZxG<1& support material. Appendix A deals in some detail with the relevant parts of
UJ8V%0 linear algebra to consolidate the understanding of the underlying mathematical
b+qdl`Vd principles involved whereas Appendix B provides a concise treatment of the
A3=$I&!% basics of digital filters to enhance the understanding of the design algorithms
=(U&?1 R4 included in Chaps. 8, 9, and 16.
/vG)n9Rc The book can be used as a text for a sequence of two one-semester courses
Bm&% N?9 on optimization. The first course comprising Chaps. 1 to 7, 9, and part of
56Gc[<nR Chap. 10 may be offered to senior undergraduate or first-year graduate students.
X9xXL%Q The prerequisite knowledge is an undergraduate mathematics background of
N&'05uWY} calculus and linear algebra. The material in Chaps. 8 and 10 to 16 may be
u"*Wo'3I| used as a text for an advanced graduate course on minimax and constrained
Rr0@F`"R optimization. The prerequisite knowledge for thi^ course is the contents of the
"G,$Sqi@ first optimization course.
rS/}!|uAu The book is supported by online solutions of the end-of-chapter problems
8>y!=+9_ under password as well as by a collection of MATLAB programs for free access
G,6Zy-Y9 by the readers of the book, which can be used to solve a variety of optimization
}FoO problems. These materials can be downloaded from the book's website:
8wQ|Ep\ AyUiX2=w1 We are grateful to many of our past students at the University of Victoria,
3~&h9#7Ke in particular, Drs. M. L. R. de Campos, S. Netto, S. Nokleby, D. Peters, and
BvA09lK Mr. J. Wong who took our optimization courses and have helped improve the
F4%vEn\! manuscript in one way or another; to Chi-Tang Catherine Chang for typesetting
_>"f&nbO the first draft of the manuscript and for producing most of the illustrations; to
aur4Ky> : R. Nongpiur for checking a large part of the index; and to R Ramachandran
}3&~YBx;: for proofreading the entire manuscript. We would also like to thank Professors
GDMg.w4Yk M. Ahmadi, C. Charalambous, P. S. R. Diniz, Z. Dong, T. Hinamoto, and P. P.
L&s|<<L Vaidyanathan for useful discussions on optimization theory and practice; Tony
f.cQp&&]r Antoniou of Psicraft Studios for designing the book cover; the Natural Sciences
WMw]W& and Engineering Research Council of Canada for supporting the research that
DD]e0 pa led to some of the new results described in Chapters 8, 9, and 16; and last but
!<P|:Oo*Dl not least the University of Victoria for supporting the writing of this book over
gE~]^B{ anumber of years.
`[*n UdG Andreas Antoniou and Wu-Sheng Lu