Practical Optimization - Algorithms and Engineering Applications
\`8?=_ST +}NQ|y V by
A"~Oi 0Yfz?:e Andreas Antoniou
&u~%5; Wu-Sheng Lu
nLnzl Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
%?!TqJT?{ University of Victoria, Canada
+=(@=PJ6 4_o+gG%HaM 2007 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC
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'yI* Preface
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y_2" The rapid advancements in the efficiency of digital computers and the evolution
|}<!O@<| of reliable software for numerical computation during the past three
Z^GXKOeq decades have led to an astonishing growth in the theory, methods, and algorithms
;f2<vp;U of numerical optimization. This body of knowledge has, in turn, motivated
D~@lpcI widespread applications of optimization methods in many disciplines,
)!d_Td\- e.g., engineering, business, and science, and led to problem solutions that were
opqf)C considered intractable not too long ago.
[P%'p-Hg_ Although excellent books are available that treat the subject of optimization
Xh`Oin}< with great mathematical rigor and precision, there appears to be a need for a
?,FL"ye book that provides a practical treatment of the subject aimed at a broader audience
$k0 ranging from college students to scientists and industry professionals.
2m2$jp0 This book has been written to address this need. It treats unconstrained and
c.h_&~0qf constrained optimization in a unified manner and places special attention on the
K2-nP2Go? algorithmic aspects of optimization to enable readers to apply the various algorithms
B{lL}"++0 and methods to specific problems of interest. To facilitate this process,
A|BN>?.t the book provides many solved examples that illustrate the principles involved,
QHe: and includes, in addition, two chapters that deal exclusively with applications of
o^<W3Z unconstrained and constrained optimization methods to problems in the areas of
?)FY7[x. pattern recognition, control systems, robotics, communication systems, and the
BHZSc(-o design of digital filters. For each application, enough background information
;e\K8*o is provided to promote the understanding of the optimization algorithms used
dx"9jFn to obtain the desired solutions.
2w/qH4 Chapter 1 gives a brief introduction to optimization and the general structure
HG[gJ7 of optimization algorithms. Chapters 2 to 9 are concerned with unconstrained
&Y$)s<u8. optimization methods. The basic principles of interest are introduced in Chapter
DWu~%U8 2. These include the first-order and second-order necessary conditions for
<"x *ZT a point to be a local minimizer, the second-order sufficient conditions, and the
r8[Ywn<u optimization of convex functions. Chapter 3 deals with general properties of
EtA ,ow algorithms such as the concepts of descent function, global convergence, and
1DM$FG_Z- rate of convergence. Chapter 4 presents several methods for one-dimensional
[,q^\T optimization, which are commonly referred to as line searches. The chapter
|p":s3K"Hy also deals with inexact line-search methods that have been found to increase
&A~(9IV the efficiency in many optimization algorithms. Chapter 5 presents several
Q?-u J1J basic gradient methods that include the steepest descent, Newton, and Gauss-
S{qn^\0 Newton methods. Chapter 6 presents a class of methods based on the concept of
)V: conjugate directions such as the conjugate-gradient, Fletcher-Reeves, Powell,
Oa-~}hN and Partan methods. An important class of unconstrained optimization methods
\h7XdmA]~ known as quasi-Newton methods is presented in Chapter 7. Representative
B-aJn8>/ methods of this class such as the Davidon-Fletcher-Powell and Broydon-
Ui;PmwQc& Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno methods and their properties are investigated. The
-.hH,zm chapter also includes a practical, efficient, and reliable quasi-Newton algorithm
{;?bC' that eliminates some problems associated with the basic quasi-Newton method.
LZrkFkiC Chapter 8 presents minimax methods that are used in many applications including
'pl){aL`@u the design of digital filters. Chapter 9 presents three case studies in
}t5pz[zl which several of the unconstrained optimization methods described in Chapters
iU~p 4 to 8 are applied to point pattern matching, inverse kinematics for robotic
Z manipulators, and the design of digital filters.
q|.K&@_'K Chapters 10 to 16 are concerned with constrained optimization methods.
<N\#6m Chapter 10 introduces the fundamentals of constrained optimization. The concept
BZ@v8y _TA of Lagrange multipliers, the first-order necessary conditions known as
]e]hA@4 Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions, and the duality principle of convex programming
QNCG^ub are addressed in detail and are illustrated by many examples. Chapters
p|R]/C0f 11 and 12 are concerned with linear programming (LP) problems. The general
Lcy>!3q3~ properties of LP and the simplex method for standard LP problems are
iVb#X# addressed in Chapter 11. Several interior-point methods including the primal
Ix'GP7-m_ affine-scaling, primal Newton-barrier, and primal dual-path following methods
9/LJtM are presented in Chapter 12. Chapter 13 deals with quadratic and general
"=XRonQZ convex programming. The so-called active-set methods and several interiorpoint
)J!=X`b methods for convex quadratic programming are investigated. The chapter
h_ J|uu also includes the so-called cutting plane and ellipsoid algorithms for general
h*?/[XY convex programming problems. Chapter 14 presents two special classes of convex
Q-Rt programming known as semidefinite and second-order cone programming,
9A1w5|X which have found interesting applications in a variety of disciplines. Chapter
S]&7 15 treats general constrained optimization problems that do not belong to the
)ia$pes class of convex programming; special emphasis is placed on several sequential
MA5BTq<& quadratic programming methods that are enhanced through the use of efficient
]e]l08 line searches and approximations of the Hessian matrix involved. Chapter 16,
O8S"B6?$~' which concludes the book, examines several applications of constrained optimization
sBD\;\I for the design of digital filters, for the control of dynamic systems, for
H1g"09?h6o evaluating the force distribution in robotic systems, and in multiuser detection
OX/}j_8E^( for wireless communication systems.
@X*r5hjc The book also includes two appendices, A and B, which provide additional
_ gi?GQj support material. Appendix A deals in some detail with the relevant parts of
,R;wk=k linear algebra to consolidate the understanding of the underlying mathematical
a]|k w4 principles involved whereas Appendix B provides a concise treatment of the
B%d2 tsDw basics of digital filters to enhance the understanding of the design algorithms
Ok2>%e included in Chaps. 8, 9, and 16.
p&ml$N9fd The book can be used as a text for a sequence of two one-semester courses
;R.l?Bg on optimization. The first course comprising Chaps. 1 to 7, 9, and part of
WgQ6EV` Chap. 10 may be offered to senior undergraduate or first-year graduate students.
JK9}Kb}; The prerequisite knowledge is an undergraduate mathematics background of
_w>9Z>PR calculus and linear algebra. The material in Chaps. 8 and 10 to 16 may be
9oA.!4q used as a text for an advanced graduate course on minimax and constrained
S[W|=(f9 optimization. The prerequisite knowledge for thi^ course is the contents of the
d6hso first optimization course.
Zf%6U[{ T The book is supported by online solutions of the end-of-chapter problems
7lz"^ under password as well as by a collection of MATLAB programs for free access
$di8#O* by the readers of the book, which can be used to solve a variety of optimization
v\H problems. These materials can be downloaded from the book's website:
l+1GA0'JP /K]<7 We are grateful to many of our past students at the University of Victoria,
)#l,RJ( in particular, Drs. M. L. R. de Campos, S. Netto, S. Nokleby, D. Peters, and
sj?7}(s Mr. J. Wong who took our optimization courses and have helped improve the
-hH#5 manuscript in one way or another; to Chi-Tang Catherine Chang for typesetting
lj!f\C}d the first draft of the manuscript and for producing most of the illustrations; to
h&6v&%S/L R. Nongpiur for checking a large part of the index; and to R Ramachandran
&u/T,jy` for proofreading the entire manuscript. We would also like to thank Professors
R83Me#& M. Ahmadi, C. Charalambous, P. S. R. Diniz, Z. Dong, T. Hinamoto, and P. P.
o-jF?9m Vaidyanathan for useful discussions on optimization theory and practice; Tony
=a.avOZ Antoniou of Psicraft Studios for designing the book cover; the Natural Sciences
Z}/3 dp and Engineering Research Council of Canada for supporting the research that
7}<057Xn' led to some of the new results described in Chapters 8, 9, and 16; and last but
SlZ>N$E not least the University of Victoria for supporting the writing of this book over
$xf{m9 8 anumber of years.
p7;/| ]o3 Andreas Antoniou and Wu-Sheng Lu