固体力学类: ' |Ia-RbX
弹性力学 elasticity @h)Z8so
弹性理论 theory of elasticity 6h9Hf$'
均匀应力状态 homogeneous state of stress 6s(.ul
应力不变量 stress invariant ki=]#]rg
应变不变量 strain invariant LzGSN
应变椭球 strain ellipsoid M>g%wg7Ah
均匀应变状态 homogeneous state of p|9Eue3j2
strain P5Is#7udN8
应变协调方程 equation of strain GX0S9s
compatibility /n-!dXi
拉梅常量 Lame constants X(M|T]`b:
各向同性弹性 isotropic elasticity 4RyQ^vL
旋转圆盘 rotating circular disk 7+;CA+;
楔 wedge 6O\a\z
开尔文问题 Kelvin problem wGhy"1g#
布西内斯克问题 Boussinesq problem Mp,aQ0bNS
艾里应力函数 Airy stress function 7Q>bJ Ek7
克罗索夫--穆斯赫利什维利法 Kolosoff- Cr>YpWm
Muskhelishvili method 94Q?)0W$
基尔霍夫假设 Kirchhoff hypothesis U#>K(
板 Plate ;%B:1Z
矩形板 Rectangular plate VbfTdRD-
圆板 Circular plate /w
环板 Annular plate ly( LMr
波纹板 Corrugated plate "rU
加劲板 Stiffened plate,reinforced HVH <S
Plate |!hN!j*)
中厚板 Plate of moderate thickness Q nmv?YXS
弯[曲]应力函数 Stress function of bending aaRc?b'/
壳 Shell _MxKfah'
扁壳 Shallow shell R?5v//[
旋转壳 Revolutionary shell Cc&SHG*R
球壳 Spherical shell &3CC |
[圆]柱壳 Cylindrical shell 9:JQ*O$
锥壳 Conical shell Yc p<N>)
环壳 Toroidal shell \w@V7~vA
封闭壳 Closed shell vugGMP;D(
波纹壳 Corrugated shell 4RL0@)0F
扭[转]应力函数 Stress function of torsion IrMxdF~c
翘曲函数 Warping function J-5E# v
半逆解法 semi-inverse method ;GV~MH-F
瑞利--里茨法 Rayleigh-Ritz method K'U8ft*_
松弛法 Relaxation method &e)V!o@wJV
莱维法 Levy method $iMbtA5aQ
松弛 Relaxation xua
量纲分析 Dimensional analysis S'}pUGDO
自相似[性] self-similarity &ieb6@RO`Q
影响面 Influence surface 6Ij'z9nJw
接触应力 Contact stress ,-`A6ehg
赫兹理论 Hertz theory Zonr/sA ~
协调接触 Conforming contact we&D"V
滑动接触 Sliding contact <*[D30<
滚动接触 Rolling contact a?1Ml>R6P
压入 Indentation \V%l.P4>e
各向异性弹性 Anisotropic elasticity vM?jm!nd
颗粒材料 Granular material 'Rq2x-72}
散体力学 Mechanics of granular media 5ggsOqH
热弹性 Thermoelasticity uy rS6e0
超弹性 Hyperelasticity Jk}Dj0o
粘弹性 Viscoelasticity s6(bTO.
对应原理 Correspondence principle 0P l>k'9
褶皱 Wrinkle k] iyx
塑性全量理论 Total theory of plasticity s`I]>e
滑动 Sliding S1U>Q~ZPA
微滑 Microslip ypLt6(1j%
粗糙度 Roughness 2P,{`O1]
非线性弹性 Nonlinear elasticity ,d@FO|G#pt
大挠度 Large deflection ycj\5+g
突弹跳变 snap-through ~%!"!Z4
有限变形 Finite deformation Lq]t6o]
格林应变 Green strain :CGh$d] +
阿尔曼西应变 Almansi strain RYZM_@5$t
弹性动力学 Dynamic elasticity xz3|m
运动方程 Equation of motion 71G\b|5
准静态的 Quasi-static g).IF.
气动弹性 Aeroelasticity cP^c}e*;NS
水弹性 Hydroelasticity ,;)_$%bHc
颤振 Flutter :wY(</H
弹性波 Elastic wave q!y!=hI
简单波 Simple wave |Ng}ZLBM
柱面波 Cylindrical wave i;fU],aK!
水平剪切波 Horizontal shear wave CZDWEM}
竖直剪切波 Vertical shear wave ]o($No
体波 body wave a\*_b2 ^n
无旋波 Irrotational wave (w1$m8`=
畸变波 Distortion wave )QW
膨胀波 Dilatation wave l?O%yf`s
瑞利波 Rayleigh wave MnTqWC90
等容波 Equivoluminal wave 1T0s
勒夫波 Love wave o?/fObV@(
界面波 Interfacial wave ~S~4pK
边缘效应 edge effect e/R$Sfj]
塑性力学 Plasticity l#& \,T
可成形性 Formability v~:'t\n
金属成形 Metal forming
耐撞性 Crashworthiness UId?a}J
结构抗撞毁性 Structural crashworthiness "@UyUL
拉拔 Drawing 5%]O'h
破坏机构 Collapse mechanism iC 4rzgq
回弹 Springback ?wpl
挤压 Extrusion Y*0j/91
冲压 Stamping @ +yjt'B
穿透 Perforation qnJs,"sn
层裂 Spalling #L+ZHs~
塑性理论 Theory of plasticity _rz7)%Y'#$
安定[性]理论 Shake-down theory !|~yf3
运动安定定理 kinematic shake-down theorem u9j1>QU
静力安定定理 Static shake-down theorem `{H!V~42
率相关理论 rate dependent theorem <lP5}F87
载荷因子 load factor ^_t7{z%sA[
加载准则 Loading criterion KZ 4G"
加载函数 Loading function ~(}nd
加载面 Loading surface
塑性加载 Plastic loading Le2rc*T
塑性加载波 Plastic loading wave ;N^4R$Q.
简单加载 Simple loading ^?S lM
比例加载 Proportional loading 4VP$,|a
卸载 Unloading d,E2l~s
卸载波 Unloading wave C4K"eX,K
冲击载荷 Impulsive load lyw)4;wt\
阶跃载荷 step load IgEVz^W?h
脉冲载荷 pulse load rO]2we/B,4
极限载荷 limit load G8lTIs4u;
中性变载 nentral loading l4AXjq2
拉抻失稳 instability in tension o'=i$Eb
加速度波 acceleration wave wit
本构方程 constitutive equation KqvM5$3
完全解 complete solution c/}-pZn<
名义应力 nominal stress [<.dOe7|
过应力 over-stress 7T?T0x3>
真应力 true stress $k^&
等效应力 equivalent stress eA-$TSWh
流动应力 flow stress +,UuJ6[n
应力间断 stress discontinuity y4,t=Gq7^
应力空间 stress space KouIzWf.
主应力空间 principal stress space ZJV;&[$[
静水应力状态 hydrostatic state of stress <G#Q f|&
对数应变 logarithmic strain nG7E j#1
工程应变 engineering strain [Q[ac 6f
等效应变 equivalent strain yAQ)/u[|
应变局部化 strain localization h3V;
应变率 strain rate 9s#*~[E*
应变率敏感性 strain rate sensitivity ggUw4w/e
科研中国 BHR(B]EI
应变空间 strain space ~Gh9m]b
有限应变 finite strain )JOo|pr-K
塑性应变增量 plastic strain increment ;-VXp80J
累积塑性应变 accumulated plastic strain uo3o[H
永久变形 permanent deformation S7B?[SPrN[
内变量 internal variable U]"6KS
应变软化 strain-softening y6&o+;I$[
理想刚塑性材料 rigid-perfectly plastic YbJB.;qK
Material v,c;dlg_
刚塑性材料 rigid-plastic material s:JQV
理想塑性材料 perfectl plastic material ZmS
材料稳定性 stability of material K<p)-q
应变偏张量 deviatoric tensor of strain !_?#f|
应力偏张量 deviatori tensor of stress 6OZn7:)Y
应变球张量 spherical tensor of strain F@1Eg
应力球张量 spherical tensor of stress <
路径相关性 path-dependency !=]cASPGD
线性强化 linear strain-hardening /U=?D(>x
应变强化 strain-hardening &X)^G#
随动强化 kinematic hardening }8Nr.gY
各向同性强化 isotropic hardening 3-_`x9u*
强化模量 strain-hardening modulus G!U
幂强化 power hardening \N.Bx
塑性极限弯矩 plastic limit bending UxvT|~"
Moment `86})xz{
塑性极限扭矩 plastic limit torque HJ!P]X_J1
弹塑性弯曲 elastic-plastic bending y|(?>\jBl
弹塑性交界面 elastic-plastic interface 2[1lwV
弹塑性扭转 elastic-plastic torsion KA
粘塑性 Viscoplasticity V-lp';bD
非弹性 Inelasticity F+9(*|x%
理想弹塑性材料 elastic-perfectly plastic Material i*e'eZ;)
G`z=qa j
极限分析 limit analysis W"H(HA
极限设计 limit design Ex5LhRe>=
极限面 limit surface m5lTf
上限定理 upper bound theorem ]f*.C9Y
上屈服点 upper yield point +krDmU9(
下限定理 lower bound theorem X yD*V;.E
下屈服点 lower yield point {=, +;/0
界限定理 bound theorem moE!~IroG
初始屈服面 initial yield surface :</KgR0I
后继屈服面 subsequent yield surface K5 Z'kkOk
屈服面[的]外凸性 convexity of yield surface x*wr8$@J
截面形状因子 shape factor of cross-section K*N8Vpz(
沙堆比拟 sand heap analogy 14yzGhA
屈服 Yield ?'^yw C`
屈服条件 yield condition R
屈服准则 yield criterion Q6d>tqW hq
屈服函数 yield function t^7}j4lk
屈服面 yield surface +,J!xy+~,
塑性势 plastic potential uOb}R
能量吸收装置 energy absorbing device h%! ,|[|
能量耗散率 energy absorbing device 4GexYDk'#
塑性动力学 dynamic plasticity >uJU25)|
塑性动力屈曲 dynamic plastic buckling ]?s^{
塑性动力响应 dynamic plastic response Te H_DVxj
塑性波 plastic wave J:0`*7
运动容许场 kinematically admissible uk)D2.eS,
Field 9.Yn]O
静力容许场 statically admissible wcW}Sv[r
Field ZC9S0Z
流动法则 flow rule x%55:8{
速度间断 velocity discontinuity {#&j