Question 1): "固结不排水", normally, it means that soil consolidated with drained condition and shear under undrained condition in triaxial test. It came out Cu and phi_u or C' and phi'(using Mohr Circle with total stress reducing pore pressure to get these effective value)
CsE|pXVG AUN Tc3 When u use PLAXIS, firstly of all, which type of soil you use(sand or clay, I have explained that in the previous post)? and which type of analysis you will use(short term analysis or long term analysis). In the undrained condition, there are three options in PLAXIS.
Jv7M[SJ#x <fyv^e Question 2) Total stress analysis: typically for undrained condition. In PLAXIS, you should use choose"undrained condition" and material type should be"non-porous" or "drained", and poisson ration should be 0.45-0.49. The detailed information, please take a look the MANUAL.
W6*(Y Mr&]RTEE Question 3) the poisson's ratio value: it depends on the saturated degree and soil type. For saturated clay (normal consolidation,medium clay), it may be 0.49. For medium sand, it may be 0.33. The specified poisson's ratio, please check some textbook or references.
8pk5[=3Z hqE#BnQxP, Suggestion: reading the textbook: <Soil Strength and Slope Stability>
co12\,aD by J. Michael Duncan, Stephen G. Wright, Stephen G. Wright, Stephen G. Wright
;5O3:B They talked about some conception very cleayly, such as :undrained and drained condition, total stress analysis and effective stress analysis and so on
7/~"\nN:/ iffU}ce Hope some help!
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