Dear Dr Xue,
V^ Many thanks for your papers and your PhD dissertation. I can see that 'pile partner' is an innovative and a potentially useful technique for many applica-tion-s. Many congratula-tion-s to you on this great achievement.
C4 Wdt As I work in a university in the UK, I may get some of my students to investigate this topic further. In my opinion, a lot more work still needs to be done to prove this innovative concept. May be we can also publish together on this topic in the future.
G=nFs)z Thanks.
7abq3OK+` Regards,
"apv)xdW '|XP}V0I 桩伴侣能否实现破坏式创新(Disruptive Innovation)——施工方法征集大家意见建议
JyB>,t) “没有破坏性,则不是创新!”
Q.yKbO<[ 桩伴侣是桩基础与复合地基的杂交体,在继承的基础上进行了扬弃,所谓否定之否定,很多国内的顶级专家也都承认桩伴侣的作用,却以伴侣难以施工为由顽固抵制创新,压制新生事物成长。近期,桩伴侣将要应用于某高层建筑,现提出一种现浇伴侣的施工方法,不仅简便省钱,而且施工质量和检查验收更易于控制,全面优于褥垫层等传统方法,征求大家的宝贵意见和建议,施工方法如下(以无配筋现浇的CFG桩为例,低配筋的预制PHC管桩与此类似):