Multiple-station ground motion processing and simulation based on smart-1 array data 9T#JlV
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H. Hao1, 1, C.S. Oliveira2, 2 and J. Penzien3, 4, 3 .ZB/!WiF
1University of California, Berkeley, USA z;74(5?q
2Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil, Av. Brasil, 1799, Lisboa, Portugal H=f'nm]dQ
3University of California, Berkeley, USA mp\`9j+{
4Eastern International Engineers, Inc., Lafayette, California, USA &>0ape
Received 21 March 1988. Available online 25 February 2003. `2j \(N,
Abstract v+3-o/G7
This paper presents a method of generating multiple-support inputs for any given set of n surface locations having space coordinates xi and yi (i = 1, 2,…, n) which are compatible with the main wave propagation properties observed in the Strong Motion Array Taiwan (SMART-1). Based on data collected in this array during two different earthquakes, a coherency function yij(dijL, dijT, ƒ) is developed for pairs of stations, i and j, as a continuous function of frequency ƒ and projected separation distances dijL and dijT in the longitudinal direction of preferential wave propagation and in the transverse direction, respectively. Using three different time windows, changes in apparent wave velocity and power spectral density are determined as functions of frequency by averaging such functions over the entire array. Finally, an average shape function for the entire time-history is obtained. This entire process was repeated for each of the three components of motion. Coherency between EW and NS components at each station was also investigated. The results presented herein are essentially valid for station separations up to 400m. An algorithm and procedures for generating spatially correlated ground motions which incorporate all of the above mentioned features are presented.