Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() u ExLj6
Form1.Hide uLms0r\@!
Dim a() G
Dim txt As String @uSO~.7
Dim point1 As Variant , c.^"5
Dim point2 As Variant egmUUuO
Dim gc As String uH_KOiF
Do , 3R=8
point1 = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint(, vbCrLf & "点的坐标:") PA2}4`
point2 = ThisDrawing.Utility.TranslateCoordinates(point1, acWorld, acUCS, False) ~$!,-r
If point2(0) = "0" And point2(1) = "0" Then N,t9X7G&
Exit Do +)jUA]hJ/
End If Fwm$0=BXL
n = n + 1 aRd~T6I
ReDim Preserve a(1 To 4 * n) LUbhTc
If Check1.Value Then /"m s
txt = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetString(0, vbCrLf & "点号:") OjU{r N*
a(4 * n - 3) = txt e8,_"_1:F
Else +]l?JKV
a(4 * n - 3) = n 7KtU\u
End If gt4GN`-k
If Check2.Value Then ]&'!0'3`
gc = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetString(0, vbCrLf & "点的高程:") 5!0iK9O
a(4 * n) = gc vE ]ge
Else 8)B{x[?|
a(4 * n) = 0 BD6!,
End If yoE-a
a(4 * n - 2) = point2(0) --HDE c|
a(4 * n - 1) = point2(1) &9jJ\+:7
Loop +'H[4g`
CommonDialog1.ShowSave o:8ns m
Open CommonDialog1.FileName For Output As #1 iGW(2.Z
For i = 1 To n ra^</o/
a(4 * i - 2) = Format(a(4 * i - 2), "0.000") cGot0' mB
a(4 * i - 1) = Format(a(4 * i - 1), "0.000") s/1r{;q
Print #1, a(4 * i - 3) & "," & a(4 * i - 2) & "," & a(4 * i - 1) & "," & a(4 * i) * :"*'
Next V[ UOlJ
Close #1 32GI+NN
End Sub