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The 8th Austrian Geotechnique Meeting and the 7th Specialty Exhibition on Foundation Engineering and Well Construction (3-4 February 2011 in Vienna, Austria) Organizer: ISSMGE NG Austria Venue: Austria Center Vienna Contact Person: Professor D. Adam Address: Inst. für Geotechnik-Grundbau, Boden-und Felsmechanik, Technische Univ. Wien, Karlsplatz 13/221, A-1040 Wien, Austria Fax: +43-1-58801-22199 E-mail: dietmar.adam@tuwien.ac.at
The 14th Australasian Tunnelling Conference (8-10 March 2011 in Sky City, New Zealand) Topics: Development of Underground Space Organizer: Australasian Tunnelling Society Venue: SKYCITY Auckland Convention Centre, 88 Federal Street Contact Person: Belinda Martin Address: P.O. Box 660, Carlton South, Vic 3053 Australia Telephone: +61-3-96586125 Fax: +61-3-96623662 E-mail: bmartin@ausimm.com.au Website: http://www.ausimm.com
The 5th Canadian Conference on Geotechnique and Natural Hazards (15-17 May 2011 in Kelowna, Canada) Topics: Seismic hazards, flooding and natural dams, landslides, quantitative risk assessment, snow and rock avalanches, technology and geohazards-monitoring and remote sensing, geohazards in a changing climate, tsunamis, early warning and response, urban hazards and policy development, volcanoes Venue: University of British Columbia’s Okanagan Campus (UBCO) Contact Person: Dr. Dwayne Tannant Address: 1290 International Mews, Kelowna BC, V1V 1V8, Canada E-mail: [email=chair@geohazards5.ca] chair@geohazards5.ca[/email] Telephone: 1-250-807-8050 Website: http://www.geohazards5.ca
The 24th ICTPA Annual Conference and the 1st NACGEA International Symposium on Geotechnics in Transportation (27-29 May 2011 in Los Angeles, USA) Topics: Challenges and Recent Advances in Transportation Engineering–Planning, Design, Construction, Management and Maintenance Organizer: International Chinese Transportation Professionals Association (ICTPA), North-American Chinese Geotechnical Engineers Association (NACGEA)
The 45th U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium (26-29 June 2011 in San Francisco, USA) Topics: Geology and geophysics; Civil engineering; Mining engineering; Petroleum engineering, and Underground construction Organizer: American Rock Mechanics Association Venue: Westin San Francisco Market Street Address: 50 Third Street, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA Contact Person: Peter Smeallie Telephone: +1-703-683-1808 E-mail: info@armarocks.org Website: http://www.armasymposium.org
GeoProc2011 (6-9 July 2011 in Perth, Australia) Topics: Coupled thermal, hydrological, mechanical and chemical processes (THMC) in geosystems: fundamentals, modelling, experiments and applications Organizer: The University of Western Australia Venue: University Club, The University of Western Australia Contact Person: Mrs. Jill Stajduhar Address: Energy and Minerals Institute, University of Western Australia (M050), 35 Stirling Highway, CRAWLEY WA 6009, Australia E-mail: jill.stajduhar@uwa.edu.au Website: http://www.mech.uwa.edu.au/research/geoproc
The 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (12-15 September 2011 in Athens, Greece) Topics: Investigations, classification and testing, selection of parameters-classification-modelling, foundations, deep excavations and retaining structures, tunneling and underground structures, dams and embankments, slope stability and landslides, use as construction materials, ground improvement, dynamics, geoenvironmental engineering, education and training, monuments and historic sites, unsaturated properties, waste disposal and underground storage, geotechnics of flysch. Organizer: Hellenic Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Venue: Megaron Athens International Conference Center Website: http://www.athens2011ecsmge.org
SLOPE STABILITY 2011: International Symposium on Rock Slope Stability in Open Pit Mining and Civil Engineering (18-21 September 2011 in Vancouver, Canada) Topics: recent innovation and key developments in the design, analysis, excavation and management of rock slopes Organizer: Canadian Rock Mechanics Association Venue: Sheraton Wall Centre Contact Person: Dr. Erik Eberhardt Address: Gibson Group Association Management, 8828 Pigott Rd, Richmond BC V7A 2C4, Canada Telephone: +1-778-782 6670 Fax: +1-778-782 4198 E-mail: chair-ee@slopestability2011.ca Website: http://www.slopestability2011.ca
The 12th International Congress on Rock Mechanics (18-21 October 2011 in Beijing, China) Topics: Site investigation and field observation, rock material and rock mass properties testing (laboratory and in situ), analysis techniques and design methods, modeling and numerical methods, information system, artificial intelligence and other advanced techniques, rock engineering in hazardous geo-environments, rock breakage and excavation techniques, underground storage of petroleum, gas, CO2, and nuclear waste disposal (up to now, nearly 200 paper abstracts have been received) Organizer: Chinese Society for Rock Mechanics and Engineering (ISRM National Group for China), Society for Rock Mechanics and Engineering Geology (ISRM National Group for Singapore) Venue: China National Convention Center (CNCC) Contact Person: Professor Li Zhongkui Address: Chinese Society for Rock Mechanics and Engineering (CSRME), P.O. Box 9825, Beijing 100029, China Telephone: +86-10-82998163 Fax: +86-10-82998163 E-mail: secretariat@isrm2011.com Website: http://www.isrm2011.com
International Conference on Advances in Geotechnical Engineering (ICAGE 2011) (7-9 November 2011 in Perth, Australia) Topics: The recent advancement and the future challenges within the profession of geotechnical engineering Organizer: Australian Geomechanics Society, Western Australia Chapter, Department of Civil Engineering, Curtin University Venue: Burswood Entertainment Complex Contact Person: ICAGE conference secretariat Telephone: +61-8-93891488 Fax: +61-8-93891499 E-mail: info@eecw.com.au Website: http://www.icage2011.com.au
The 13th ISRM International Congress on Rock Mechanics (29 April to 6 May 2015 in Montréal, Canada) Topics: Innovations in Applied and Theoretical Rock Mechanics Organizer: Canadian Rock Mechanics Association, McGill University, Queens University, CIM ICM and RES Venue: Montréal Convention Centre Contact Person: Professor Ferri Hassani Telephone: + 514 398 8060 Fax: + 514 398 5016 E-mail: ferri.hassani@McGill.ca