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《岩石力学与岩土工程学报》(英文版)2012年第2期电子版 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2012-06-26
Studies on classification, criteria and control of rockbursts
Manchao He1, Hongman Xia1, 2, Xuena Jia1, Weili Gong1, Fei Zhao1, Kangyuan Liang1
1 State Key Laboratory for Geomechanics and Deep Underground Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology,

Beijing, 100083, China
2 Shenyang Coking Gas Co., Ltd., Shenyang, 110122, China

Abstract: This paper attempts to present the findings involving rockbursts classification, rockburst failure criteria, and
relatedcontrol measures. Experimental investigati0ns were performed using the strainburst testing machine and impact-
induced rockburst testing machine. According to the stress paths and experimental methods, rockbursts were classified
into two majorgroups, i.e. the strainbursts and impact-induced bursts. The mechanisms and criteria of rockburst
obtained from experimental investigati0ns were discussed. Then, the developments of c0nstant-resistance and large-
deformation bolt (CRLDB), which can adapt itself to the external loading at a c0nstant resistance by elongating
continually, were introduced. The deformation energy of country rocks with large deformation can be absorbed by
CRLDBs. Finally, the principles and the experimental results for control and prevention of rockburst using the
CRLDBs were presented.
Key words: rockburst experiments; true triaxial unloading; c0nstant-resistance and large-deformation bolt (CRLDB);
rockburst control



只看该作者 1楼 发表于: 2012-06-26
Reducing risk in long deep tunnels by using TBM and drill-and-
blast methods in the same project–the hybrid solution
Nick Barton*
NB&A, Oslo, Norway, www.nickbarton.com

Abstract: There are many examples of TBM tunnels through mountains, or in mountainous terrain, which have
suffered the ultimate fate of abandonment, due to insufficient pre-investigation. Depth-of-drilling limitati0ns are
inevitable when depths approach or even exceed 1 or 2 km. Uncertainties about the geology, hydro-geology, rock
stresses and rock strengths go hand-in-hand with deep or ultra-deep tunnels. Unfortunately, unexpected conditi0ns
tend to have a much bigger impact on TBM projects than on drill-and-blast projects. There are two obvious reas0ns.
Firstly the circular excavation maximizes the tangential stress, making the relation to rock strength a higher source
of potential risk. Secondly, the TBM may have beenprogressing fast enough to make probe-drilling seem to be
unnecessary. If the stress-to-strength ratio becomes too high, or if faulted rock with high water pressure is unexpectedly
encountered, the “unexpected events” may have a remarkable delaying effect on TBM. A simple equation explains
this phenomenon, via the adverse local Q-value that links directly to utilization. One may witness dramatic
reducti0ns in utilization, meaning ultra-steep deceleration-of-the-TBM gradients in a log-log plot of advance

rate versus time. Some delays can be avoided or reduced with new TBM designs, where belief in the need for
probe-drilling and sometimes also pre-injection, have been fully appreciated. Drill-and-blast tunneling, inevitably
involvingnumerous “probe-holes” prior to each advance, should be used instead, if investigati0ns have been too limited.
TBM should be used where there is lower cover and where more is known about the rock and structural conditi0ns.
The advantages of the superior speed of TBM may then be fully realized. Choosing TBM because a tunnel is very
long increases risk due to thelaw of deceleration with increased length, especially if there is limited pre-investigation
because of tunnel depth.
Key words: tunnel boring machine (TBM); rock strength; deep tunnels; tangential stress; pre-injection; Q-values;
utilization; risk

Nick Barton


只看该作者 2楼 发表于: 2012-06-26
A retrievable sensor installation technique for acquiring high
frequency signals
M. Ge1, H. R. Hardy Jr.2, H. Wang3
1 Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO 65409, USA
2 Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA
3 Newmont Mining Corp., Greenwood Village, CO 80111, USA

Abstract: The use of in-seam waves for void detection in mines requires the capability of capturing high frequency
signalsover large distances. For instance, the Airy phase of Love waves which are used for void detection in coal
mines ranges fromseveral hundred to over one thousand Hertz and the expected travel distance of these signals
is at least 90 m (equivalent to adetection distance of 45 m) for the technique to be c0nsidered practical. In order to
obtain high quality and broadband signals, sensors are conventionally grouted at the bottom of boreholes so that
the attenuation due to the fractured surface is minimized and the coupling effect is improved. However, to be
economically feasible, the expensive and high sensitive sensors must be retrievable so that they can be used
repeatedly at the same or other locati0ns. Because of these concerns, a retrievable sensor installation technique
was developed. This paper provides a detailed review of the technique as well as a brief discussion of its applicati0ns.
The technique is simple and reliable for both installation and retrieval operati0ns and can be used for boreholes
oriented in any directi0ns. The technique has been dem0nstrated in over 200 sensor installation/retrieval
operati0ns under various borehole conditi0ns, including bituminous coal, anthracite coal, shale, sandstone and trona.
With this technique, we were able to detect the high frequency signals required for our projects. For instance,
the signals used at a trona mine for void detection have a typical frequency of 5 kHz with the travel distance of
150–200 m. The results of these operati0ns have shown that sensors installed in the prescribed manner exhibit
predictable, c0nsistent, and repeatable performance. The technique also provides an economical and reliable means
for many other field seismic monitoring applicati0ns where high quality and broadband signals are essential, such as
microseismic monitoring and geotomography studies.
Key words: sensor installation; void detection; in-seam seismic; microseismic; geotomography

Ge Maochen

只看该作者 3楼 发表于: 2012-06-26
Comprehensive compressive-tensile strength criterion for intact rock
Hossein Bineshian1*, Abdolhadi Ghazvinian2, Zahra Bineshian3
1 University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia
2 Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
3 Perlite C0nstruction Company, Tehran, Iran

Abstract: This paper presents a strength criterion for intact rock, which can well describe triaxial test data under
compressiveor tensile stress state. The proposed criterion is defined in terms of three parameters. One parameter
expresses the apparent unconfined compressive strength (AUCS), obtained from the Coulomb-Mohr criterion, as a
regulated unconfined compressive strength (RUCS). Two other parameters are material-dependent that can
be determined by regression analysis. The proposed criterion is compared with selected applicable strength criteria
separately for compressive and tensile strengths.Coefficient of determination and accordance coefficient are
c0nsidered in comparis0ns between the proposed and selected strength criteria.
Key words: strength criterion; failure mechanics; compression; tension
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只看该作者 4楼 发表于: 2012-06-26
Numerical simulati0ns of kinetic formation mechanism of
Tangjiashan landslide
Gang Luo1, Xiewen Hu1, 2, Chengzhuang Gu1, Ying Wang1
1 Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, 610031, China
2 Aseismic Engineering Technology Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu,
610031, China

Abstract: Tangjiashan landslide is a typical high-speed landslide hosted on c0nsequent bedding rock. The landslide
was induced by Wenchuan earthquake at a medium-steep hill slope. The occurrence of Tangjiashan landslide was
basically controlled by the tectonic structure, topography, stratum lithology, slope structure, seismic waves, and strike
of river. Among various factors, the seismic loading with great intensity and long duration was dominant. The landslide
initiation exhibited the local amplification effect of seismic waves at the rear of the slope, the dislocation effect on the
fault, and the shear failure differentiating effect on the regi0ns between the soft and the hard layers. Based on field
investigati0ns and with the employment of the distinct element numerical simulation program UDEC (universal distinct
element code), the whole kinetic sliding process of Tangjiashan landslide was represented and the formation
mechanism of the c0nsequent rock landslide under seismic loading was studied. The results are helpful for
understanding seismic dynamic resp0nses of c0nsequent bedding rock slopes, where the slope stability could be
governed by earthquakes.
Key words: Tangjiashan high-speed landslide; formation mechanism; sliding process; numerical simulati0ns

5.pdf (2373 K) 下载次数:55


只看该作者 5楼 发表于: 2012-06-26
Energy release process of surrounding rocks of deep tunnels
with two excavation methods
Peng Yan1, 2, 3, Wenbo Lu1, 2*, Ming Chen1, 2, Zhigang Shan3, Xiangrong Chen3, Yong Zhou3
1 State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science, Wuhan University, Wuhan, 430072, China
2 Key Laboratory of Rock Mechanics in Hydraulic Structural Engineering of Ministry of Education, Wuhan University, Wuhan,
430072, China
3 HydroChina Huadong Engineering Corporation, Hangzhou, 310014, China

Abstract: Numerical analysis of the total energy release of surrounding rocks excavated by drill-and-blast (D&B)
method and tunnel boring machine (TBM) method is presented in the paper. The stability of deep tunnels during
excavation in terms of energy release is also discussed. The simulation results reveal that energy release during
blasting excavation is a dynamic process. An intense dynamic effect is captured at large excavation footage. The
magnitude of energy release during full-face excavation with D&B method is higher than that with TBM method
under the same conditi0ns. The energy release rate (ERR)and speed (ERS) also have similar trends. Therefore,
the rockbursts in tunnels excavated by D&B method are frequently encountered and more intensive than those
by TBM method. Since the space after tunnel face is occupied by the backup system of TBM, prevention and
control of rockbursts are more difficult. Thus, rockbursts in tunnels excavated by TBM method with the same
intensity are more harmful than those in tunnels by D&B method. Reducing tunneling rate of TBM seems to
be a good means to decrease ERR and risk of rockburst. The rockbursts observed during excavation of
headrace tunnels at Jinping II hydropower station in West China confirm the analytical results obtained in
this paper.
Key words: drill-and-blast (D&B) excavation; tunnel boring machine (TBM) excavation; energy release; rockbursts

6.pdf (1651 K) 下载次数:55

只看该作者 6楼 发表于: 2012-06-26
Laboratory creep tests for time-dependent properties of a
marble in Jinping II hydropower station
Xiaojun Zhao1, Bingrui Chen2*, Hongbo Zhao1, Binghui Jie3, Zhengfang Ning4
1 School of Civil Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo, 454003, China
2 State Key Laboratory of Geomechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, 430071, China
3 Ertan Hydropower Development Co., Ltd., Chengdu, 610051, China
4 School of Civil Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, 610031, China

Abstract: In order to investigate the time-dependent behaviors of deep hard rocks in the diversion tunnel of
Jinping II hydropower station, uniaxial creep tests were carried out by using the triaxial testing machine RC-2000.
The axial compressive load was applied step by step and each creep stage was kept for over several days.
Test results show that: (1) The lateral deformation of rock specimens is 2–3 times the axial compressive deformation
and accelerates drastically before damage, which may be employed as an indicator to predict the excavation-
induced instability of rocks. (2) The resultant deformation changes from compression to expansion when the
Poisson’s ratio is larger than 0.5, indicating the starting point of damage. (3) In the step-loading stages,  
the Poisson’s ratio approximately remains c0nstant; under c0nstantly imposed load, the Poisson’s ratio
changes with elapsed time, growing continuously before the specimen is damaged. (4) When the applied load
reaches a certain threshold value, the rock deteriorates with time, and the strength of rocks approximately
has a negative exponent relation with time. (5) The failure modes of the deep marble are different in long-
and short-term loading conditi0ns. Under the condition of short-term loading, the specimen presents a mode
of tensile failure; while under the condition of long-term loading, the specimen presents a mode of shear failure,
followed by tensile failure.
Key words: time-dependent mechanical behaviors; marble; long-term strength; the Poisson’s ratio of rocks;
rock creep
7.pdf (7282 K) 下载次数:52

只看该作者 7楼 发表于: 2012-06-26
Identification of weathered troughs in granites for tunneling
at Daya Bay reactor-neutrino experiment site
Yanjun Shang1, Yongyue Shi2, Weijun Jin1, Daming Lin1, Fengbo Wu1, Wei Zhang1
1 Key Laboratory of Engineering Geomechanics, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Beijing, 100029, China
2 Sichuan Ertan International Engineering C0nsulting Co., Ltd., Chengdu, 610072, China

Abstract: Weathered troughs are frequently encountered in granites. They can cause problems to tunneling in the
rocks and have to be properly addressed. The structures or spatial shapes of weathered troughs were seldom
clarified in the past. In this paper, four weathered troughs are identified by means of geophysical exploration, core
drilling, logging, and in-situ stress measurement at Daya Bay reactor-neutrino experiment site in Shenzhen,
China. The weathered troughs are exposed on the ground or partially covered by grass and soils, which will threaten
the safety of horizontal tunneling at a shallow depth. High electrical resistivity (HER) method is adopted for its feasibility
and practicality, in combination with field geological observation, ultrasonic televiewer in boreholes and in-situ stress
measurement. By comparing the HER values of completely decomposed to fresh rocks, it is indicated that the HER
valuesof weathered troughs in natural state are 0.4–100 Ω·m, and the in-situ stress is abnormally lower than those
at upper and lower layers. Field investigati0ns show that the depths of the four weathered troughs are 30–182 m,
with bottom elevation over 10 m. The volume of each weathered trough is mostly over 1×106 m3 in inverted conic
form. The weathered troughs often occur in various kinds of landforms, such as ridges, gullies or gently dipping dish-like depression areas. Faults and boundaries of different granitic plut0ns as well as joints govern the formation,
locati0ns and strikes of these troughs under development.
Key words: granite; Daya Bay; reactor-neutrino experiment; tunneling; weathered trough


只看该作者 8楼 发表于: 2012-06-26
Numerical thermo-hydro-mechanical modeling of compacted
bentonite in China-mock-up test for deep geological disposal
Liang Chen1, 2*, Ju Wang1, 2, Yuemiao Liu1, 2, Federic Collin3, Jingli Xie1, 2
1 Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology (BRIUG), Beijing, 100029, China
2 CNNC Key Laboratory on Geological Disposal of High-level Radioactive Waste, Beijing, 100029, China
3 Departement GeomaC, University of Liege, Sart Tilman B52/3, Chevreuils Road, 1, B-4000, Liege, Belgium

Abstract: The China-mock-up test is to evaluate the performance of the compacted Gaomiaozi (GMZ) bentonite under
coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) conditi0ns in deep geological disposal. A numerical study of the test is
conducted in this paper. The principal THM characteristics of the bentonite are presented at first. A THM model is then
presented to tackle the complex coupling behavior of the bentonite. The model of Al0nso-Gens is incorporated to
reproduce the mechanical behavior of the bentonite under unsaturated conditi0ns. With the proposed model, numerical
simulati0ns of the China-mock-up test are carried out by using the code of LAGAMINE. The time variati0ns associated
with the temperature, degree of saturation, suction and swelling pressure of the compacted bentonite are studied.
The results suggest that the proposed model is able to reproduce the mechanical behavior of the bentonite, and to
predict moisture motion under coupled THM conditi0ns.
Key words: radioactive waste disposal; GMZ bentonite; thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) modeling; China-mock-up test
9.pdf (1015 K) 下载次数:40


只看该作者 9楼 发表于: 2012-06-26

只看该作者 10楼 发表于: 2012-06-26

只看该作者 11楼 发表于: 2012-07-04
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