怎么没有人回复呢?难道大家都是搞煤矿的? b\Xu1>
我只知道我们选择采矿方法时,如果地表有主要建筑物和铁路之类的,我们就不选择空场法和崩落法,都必须用充填法,可是我们的采矿沉陷应该如何处理呢?请求群里高手指教啊! *ZSp9g"Z
自己查到了北美著名的McIntosh Engineering 采矿公司的Hard_Rock_Miners_Handbook这本书的,他对采矿沉陷的介绍只有一点点,并且还没有正式出版,只是在书的待续目录里有,先奉献上: /%q9hI
2.21 Subsidence sr($Bw
In Block Caving mines, it is typical that the cave is vertical until sloughing is initiated qxcBj
after which the angle of draw may approach 70 degrees from the horizontal, particularly =|JIY
at the end of a block. Iv|WeSL.
Source: Fleshman and Dale ~G^}2#5
2.22 Subsidence ://#
Preliminary design of a block cave mine should assume a potential subsidence zone of DGfQo5#
45-degrees from bottom of the lowest mining level. Although it is unlikely that actual $E_vCB_
subsidence will extend to this limit, there is a high probability that tension cracking will g(Xg%&@KZ
result in damage to underground structures (such as a shaft) developed within this zone. Lvj5<4h;
Source: Scott McIntosh c'Tu,-
2.23 Subsidence $}nUK~$GSv
In hard rock mines employing backfill, any subsidence that may occur is always vertical 16> >4U:Y
and nothing will promote side sloughing of the cave (even drill and blast). hy&Hl
Source: Jack de la Vergne