config dynamic gpextra 10 zextra 10
gen zone brick size 11 1 11
model mohr
prop bulk=12.5e9 shear=5.8e9 coh=11.7e9 fric=41
ini dens 1840
; Create three geogrid layers
sel geogrid id=1 range x=(0.0,8.0) z=(10.99, 11.01)
sel node init zpos add -7.5 range z=(10.99, 11.01)
sel geogrid id=2 range x=(0.0,8.0) z=(10.99, 11.01)
sel node init zpos add -4.5 range z=(10.99, 11.01)
sel geogrid id=3 range x=(0.0,8.0) z=(10.99, 11.01)
sel node init zpos add -1.5 range z=(10.99, 11.01)
sel node init ypos multiply 0.11111 range z=(10.99, 11.01)
sel geogrid prop iso=(22e9, 0.33) thick=3e-3 &
cs_sk=3.5e6 cs_scoh=11.7
sel geogrid prop cs_sfric=41
; Assign BCs and install soil in-situ stresses
fix z range z -.1,.1
fix x range x -.1,.1
fix x range x 10.9,11.1
fix y
set grav=9.81 ;large
set dyn=off
init xdis 0 ydis 0 zdis 0
apply remove gp
free x y z
apply xvel=0 yvel=0 zvel=0 range plane norm 0,1,-1
apply xvel=0 yvel=0 zvel=0 range z -0.01 0.01
apply xvel=0 yvel=0 zvel=0 range plane norm 0,-1,-1
plot grid
set dynamic on
ini xdis=0 ydis=0 zdis=0
table 100 read shihe.acc ;;;;;;;;;;;read acc history from located directory .acc file
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;apply xacc history on bottom of model
free x
apply xacc 1 his table 100 dynamic range z -0.01 0.01
apply xacc 1 his table 100 dynamic range plane norm 0,1,-1 origin -8 218 200 dist 0.1 z=0,200
apply xacc 1 his table 100 dynamic range plane norm 0,-1,-1 origin -8 -218 200 dist 0.1 z=0,200
def inpt_spec ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;to compulate spectrum of input acceleration;;;;;;
accnmb = table_size(100)
loop i(1,accnmb)
xtable(261,i) = xtable(100,i)
ytable(261,i) = 1 * ytable(100,i);;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
inpt_spec ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;ini damp hyst default -2.825 0.523
ini damp hyst default -3.156 1.904
set dyn damp rayleigh=0.005 1.5 stiffness
his reset
his id 2 dytime
;;;;;;;;;along slop
his id 3200 gp xacc 4,0.5,-9
his id 3190 gp xacc 4,0.5,-7.5
his id 3180 gp xacc 4,0.5,-6
his id 3170 gp xacc 4,0.5,-4.5
his id 3160 gp xacc 4,0.5,-3
his id 3150 gp xacc 4,0.5,-1.5
his id 3140 gp xacc 0,0,0
;;;;;;;;;6输出中轴线 x向位移
his id 6190 gp xdisp 0,0,0
his id 6180 gp xdisp 4,0.5,-1.5
his id 6170 gp xdisp 4,0.5,-3
his id 6160 gp xdisp 4,0.5,-4.5
his id 6150 gp xdisp 4,0.5,-6
his id 6140 gp xdisp 4,0.5,-7.5
his id 6130 gp xdisp 4,0.5,-9
;;;;;;;;;9输出中轴线 z向位移
his id 9200 gp zdisp 0,0,0
his id 9190 gp zdisp 4,0.5,-1.5
his id 9180 gp zdisp 4,0.5,-3
his id 9170 gp zdisp 4,0.5,-4.5
his id 9160 gp zdisp 4,0.5,-6
his id 9150 gp zdisp 4,0.5,-7.5
his id 9140 gp zdisp 4,0.5,-9
set dynamic time=0.0
hist nstep 100
set dynamic dt 0.0005
;set dynamic dt 0.00005
;set dyn damp rayleigh 0.03 0.85
def solve_ages
loop n(1,10)
sol_n = n * 2.0 ;分10步保存,每2秒保存一个结果
sol_file = 'Dyn_' + string(n) + 'x2s.sav'
sol age sol_n
save sol_file
save m-d.sav