OpenSees的全称是Open System for Earthquake Engineering Simulation(地震 odq3@
工程模拟的开放体系)。它是由美国国家自然科学基金(NSF)资助、西部大学联 uFi[50
盟“太平洋地震工程研究中心”(Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center, x\(yjNZH
简称PEER)主导、加州大学伯克利分校为主研发而成的、用于结构和岩土方面地 pvd9wKz
震反应模拟的一个较为全面且不断发展的开放的程序软件体系。 yz=6 V%
OpenSees程序自1999年正式推出以来,已广泛用于太平洋地震工程研究中心 ),I7+rY
和美国其它一些大学和科研机构的科研项目中,较好的模拟了包括钢筋混凝土结 V P4ToYc
构、桥梁、岩土工程在内众多的实际工程和振动台试验项目,证明其具有较 Rv+p4RgA
好的非线性数值模拟精度。该程序正在引起世界各国结构工程领域众多研究人员 4>[tjz.?k
的关注和重视,而在国内也开始有少数学校开展了一些初步的学习和相关的研究 qv+}|+aL:
工作。 A}n5dg0u
The Open System for Earthquake Engineering Simulation #*K!@X
The Open System for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (OpenSees) is a software framework for simulating the seismic response of structural and geotechnical systems. OpenSees has been developed as the computational platform for research in performance-based earthquake engineering at the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center. OpenSees is also the simulation component for the NEESit since 2004. CW#$%
Capabilities e%DF9}M
OpenSees has advanced capabilities for modeling and analyzing the nonlinear response of systems using a wide range of material models, elements, and solution algorithms. The software is designed for parallel computing to allow scalable simulations on high-end computers or for parameter studies. 8"S?
Modeling u&Dd9kMz
OpenSees providing beam-column elements and continuum elements for structural and geotechnical models. A wide range of uniaxial materials and section models are available for beam-columns. 15~+Ga4
Analysis &28n1
Nonlinear analysis requires a wide range of algorithms and solution methods. OpenSees provides nonlinear static and dynamic methods, equation solvers, and methods for handling constraints. _N`pwxpsb
Development Process ku=XPmZ.\
OpenSees is open-source. This website provides information about the software architecture, access to the source code, and the development process. The open-source movement allows earthquake engineering researchers and users to build upon each others accomplishments using OpenSees as community-based software. x?Oc<CQ-2
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